
Friday, September 3, 2010

Jumping and Squealing

Today I found out that a friend of a friend, who happens to be a super cool lady - is pregnant! If we had ever lived in the same state we would most assuredly be better friends in our own right since she is just that cool.

Anywho, she had our mutual friend drop me a line about her news in case I too had a bun in the we could do 'the internet equivalent of jumping and squealing together' before telling the whole world. So cute!

I am super excited for her and her hubby - and it would have been super sweet if we could have been/may still be Preggo Pals, since we are already Bungalow Buddies (both of those I just coined now) and have in the past been Soul Sisters. They have been together for forever, much like me and my mister.

What an exciting time in our friends' lives. It is so funny to think just a few years ago we were all going crazy in college and now people are settling down left and right. The wave of engagements and marriages, then buying houses and now the wave of babies. All these waves of the common phases of life, and they seem like even bigger waves thanks to social networking like Facebook.

Coming soon, to Facebook pages near you - little league, dance recitals and who knows what else. Kind of exciting.

1 comment:

  1. Yay I made your blog! You are so sweet. It was really fun to internet jump and sequel with you! Distance stinks but I'm glad we have Facebook etc so be Preggo Pals, Bungalow Buddies and soon Magnificent Mama's? : )
