
Monday, December 13, 2010


We shared the news with another person who is not our family today, whoops.

BUT, she is like family. Plus, she asked me straight out in a FB message, and she is training to be a doula, y'all.

How exciting is all of this? Very. She was excited, we were excited to tell her, and I am so excited to be able to call her with stupid questions.


Soon, everyone will know and it will be joyous. Not that it isn't becoming obvious with my lack of winter wardrobe.

11 weeks, 4 days along

...and my summer wardrobe would be much more forgiving of this whole pregnancy thing.


  1. That is me!! And I had to ask! I just knew you were! xoxoxoxo

    pretty good that I guessed it by a photo from you at like 6 weeks. My baby radar is ON.

  2. Was it a Halloween photo? That's the event where my baby radar was on...I thought...Courtney's glowing and looks like she could be pregnant...and NO WINE in hand! Hummm...her lips were sealed though!

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