
Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mom's Day!

A day late and a dollar short...whatevs. I had such a fun time yesterday with my mom and grandma, and then all the lovely people who cam out to the Baby Shower, that I just did not get around to a blog post. Sorry y'all!

But, I would like to take a second to highlight my mommy. She left today to go back home, and can I just quickly say that I have never enjoyed having my mom stay for a week more than I have this week. I always enjoy it, of course, but this time I just did not even want her to go, like ever.

Don't you guys want to move back to the South? Please? The weather is better here, I promise.

But, I digress.

My mom is the best mom ever. No, seriously. I thought she was so.mean when I was a kiddo, because she made me do stuff! Ack! How annoying! But, really she spoiled us rotten.

With love, attention, homemade meals and cookies, bag lunches packed by her (till the day I graduated high school), and a million little other things that she taught us along the way.

Among many others, this amazing lady taught me:

  • how to scrub a floor (on your hands and knees of course. Mops need not apply), 
  • how to be a self-sufficient Navy wife (a lesson that I am thankful for every day), 
  • how to make cheesy potatoes for a potluck, 
  • how to run a sewing machine,
  • how to drive (that one was fun for both of us),
  • how to swim (almost every stroke imaginable),
  • that made from scratch baked goods are always better than boxed ones, and that old coffee canisters are for chocolate chip cookies,
  • that it is ok to rearrange your house just as much as makes you happy,
  • that you can never have too many candles,
  • that being a "mean mom" will turn out well adjusted kids who are grateful for it every day of their lives (once they have a little distance and perspective, that is)
She has given and given and given some more, and this last week was no exception. She and my grandmother (who taught my mom all sorts of amazing things too) tackled my house. Seriously. My type-A-ness would not have allowed anyone else on the face of the planet to do this, but from my mom and grams, I welcomed it.

They assured me I would be receiving their bill in the mail.

They cleaned and cleaned and cleaned some more (I thought my house was clean...but it wasn't. Pregnancy has made me forget what "mom clean" even means). They reorganized all of my kitchen cabinets and pantry, so that I have an empty cabinet for baby things. (They didn't even get rid of anything! Magic.) My grandmother swept my patio and driveway. They weeded in the cracks of the sidewalk. My mom did all of the laundry in the house and dusted all of the top shelf books. They vacuumed our couch cushions, whipped up a congratulations barbecue for my sister, swapped out my linen closets and were generally just all around amazing moms this week...and always.

She also still found time to rub my belly and feel a few kicks, and give me lots of hugs and love.

Mom, I am so thankful to have you as my mom. I am sure that I will never be able to live up to the precedent you have set, but I sure will try.

32 weeks, 4 days along

...and I am so glad that my mom is coming back post Baby G's arrival. Though her innate mom-ness will surely make me look horrible by comparison, I can't imagine anyone who I would want around more. 


  1. This is such a sweet post, it made me cry. not kidding.

  2. My Darling Daughter mom's just do things because they love their children. You will be a wonderful mom and you will understand what I mean soon. Love you always! Soon I will be grandma and get to spoil some!
