
Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Until I have my own baby to post cute photos of...I will just steal cute little internet babies. Only their pictures though, not the real babies.

I don't know that I have ever gone three days without blogging on this here blog, but I must tell you that there is sadly,no news yet on Baby G's arrival. A and I have been trying to get out of the house and walk around and just generally distract ourselves so that we aren't all dwelling on "WHEN is the baby coming?!?"

So, no blogging. Sorry friends. I HAVE however been trying to post photos of the nursery as promised - but my home computer is so.slow. (push present anyone? MacbookPro please? Meow.)

It seriously took me three hours yesterday to edit three photos. And let's be honest I am not that savvy when it comes to photo editing, so we are talking cropping and maybe adding a bit of contrast. Oy. It has been a one photo at a time kind of deal, and then I have to get up and walk away. I promise I am still trying and the photos are taken, so as sooooon as possible they will be up for viewing. I am dying to share and show off the room now that it is all done and stuff.

In the baby progression news, I am definitely having more and more signs of imminent labor - but I am trying to not get too, too excited. When I recount the birth story after Baby G makes his or her grand entrance you can all have the dirty details,until then, I am going to keep it to myself thankyouverymuch. Mainly because I don't want to declare things to the world and then be all, "Ooops! Silly first time mom, that didn't mean labor! That meant you should have eaten that blank at that 4th of July Picnic!" (of which I have attended 3 so far this weekend folks! We won't even mention the amount of "being done" comments that I have received from my new found Imetyoufiveminutesagoandoncegavebirthsoamtotallyqualifiedtogivemyopinion friends. Ha!)

I am about to head in for my second Non-Stress Test and I may ask to see if a nurse can do a cervical check just to see if my intuition is righter or wronger and to satiate my own curiosity. I dunno if they will, but it's certainly worth a shot!

I hope everyone has an awesome 4th of July! It is my all time favorite holiday, so I plan on making the most of it, whether in labor or not ;)

40 weeks, 4 days along

...and maybe watching close range fireworks from a warship's flight deck tonight will induce labor? Because that's what I am doing!

1 comment:

  1. no worries lady! they come when they are ready! just enjoy yourself, stay rested and hydrated, and hang in there! xoxo
