
Thursday, August 11, 2011

One Month

Evelyn Rae,

One month ago today you were born into this crazy world. Since your arrival you have set both the head and heart of your dad and I spinning. We have been so lucky to be able to just hang out with you over the past few weeks. We are still adjusting to the fact that we are indeed parents and sometimes, when we have our morning cuddle time with you, we just look at each other in disbelief that we really are this lucky.

You have grown quite a bit this month. I don't know exactly how much since your one month appointment got pushed back to more like a 6 week appointment (because we are away on vacation right now). As your mom, I am torn about you growing. You are already looking less and less like a newborn and more and more like, well, you.

On one hand I am so happy and proud that you are growing big and healthy, and that it's all from our breastfeeding time together. You are feeding about every two hours, by the by. On the other hand, I am already saddened by how fast you are growing! Even as I feel that little twinge of sadness though, I find myself dreaming about all the possibilities that await you in life. I am so excited to see all that you will do, little girl.

So far, you have spent lots of time with all of your grandparents, who are totally in love with you, and lots of your parents friends who you will call aunt and uncle someday. You drove all the way to Wisconsin with your mom, dad and puppy. The puppy loves you too, most of the time. I think he is still adjusting a little bit to having to share mommy and daddy's attention. This month you have also gotten to see some of my very favorite places up here in the Northwoods, including spending time at the cabin.

You have obtained a few nicknames already in your month here. We already knew we would call you Evie for short, but now you have accrued little lady, ladybug (from momma), bugaboo (from Grandma Barb), and your daddy loves to call you Evie Rae.

In the last two weeks you have really started moving and shaking. You have been really strong since you were born - holding your head up and tracking people way before I thought you would. But recently you have started really kicking and stretching and just moving all the time! You love lying on your back and moving your arms and legs every which way. You've also started smiling and cooing at us, instead of just grunts that we were getting before. You certainly love to chatter away and tell everyone your "stories."

You are sleeping pretty well for us, waking up soimewhere between the two or three am hour, and then again around six or seven for a feeding. But, then you always head right back to sleep!

I can't see what's to come next month. And the month after, and the one after that.

All my love,


Evelyn is a month old today

...and she slept long enough for me to write this whole post in one sitting!

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