
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day in Our Life: Morning

Get the Intro here.

The beauty of a post like this is that you can just do it anytime. You want it to be a true reflection of a day in your life. Since I wanted to publish this post on Thursday (today) I just picked Wednesday as my day to capture.

So here it is; February 15, 2012.

5:52 am
Our day starts as I hear a muffled cry come across the monitor. A and I collectively groans we glance at the time on the clock. We stayed up a bit later than usual last night and had a little more champagne than usual. It was Valentine's after all. Of course our baby would wake up early today. I grab the camera and get this project rolling.

5:53 am
I stagger into Evelyn's room and turn on the light. I feign a cheery "Good Morning!" song that we have made up, though neither of us seems to be buying it this morning. I grab her out of her crib to take her back in to snuggle with me and get in a morning feeding.

6:20 am
We are still snuggling and feeding. I am trying to decide what intervals I should be taking photos...I settle on whenever the mood strikes. I love that she grabs my hand when nursing. So cute.

6:45 am
We are done eating and are now rolling around the bed and laughing. Normal happy morning self. Just like momma, we gotta eat.

7:00 am
Ev is stripped down to her new clean diaper (first diaper change of the day down), and ready for some real food. I start the load of diapers that has been soaking over night and get to cooking breakfast.

7:15 am
Breakfast is ready, I have spilled coffee all over the place, and we are ready to eat. Eggs, toast with a little left over Ella's Kitchen spinach, apple and rutabaga spread on top, and apple slices for Ev. Breakfast burrito with eggs, turkey sausage, a bit of cheese and arugula for me.

7:45 am
We've both eaten...and fed the dog. Time to head upstairs to get cleaned up.

8:05 am
Diaper change number two complete, a quick feeding annnnnd, baby is down for morning nap.

8:15 am
I survey the morning damage to my bedroom and decide to take advantage of nap time to shower first, then straighten up.

9:00 am
I am showered and dressed. After checking the weather I decide to go with my transitional (read:all the time, regardless of weather) outfit of choice - jeans, cami, cardigan, ballet flats. Oh, and I have straightened our room.

9:30 am
I decide to take further advantage of nap time and actually blow-dry my hair. By now my hair and makeup are both done, and baby is still asleep. Score.

9:45 am
I have, in quick succession:
Realized that the washer got stuck on rinse from when I started it during breakfast - so the water has been running for like an hour and a half. Awesome. 

Noted that my homemade laundry detergent is much to thick to come through the spigot of the container I bought for it. Mental note to find solution. 

Decided that the kitchen is a mess and I don't feel like dealing with it right now. 

And, I have hit the couch with the essentials - Mac, tumbler, monitor and DVR to get some blogging and perusing done since I cleaned the living room, dining room and guest room earlier in the week.

11:10 am
I hear some baby giggles come across the monitor. Holy long nap. She must be making up for getting up so early this morning. I head up and she is a happy smiley baby. Yay! My favorite kind of baby.

11:35 am
A little playtime with creeper Mom taking photos, after a feeding, before it's time to get dressed

11:45 am
Diaper change #3 and we are dressed and ready! I make a mental note to grab a bow since Ev is wearing CLASSIC navy blue and white today (and pink shoes), but inevitably without a bow we will have to deal with "boy" comments all day.

11:50 am
Quick stop in mom's room to grab a few things...and we almost roll off the bed going for technology we aren't supposed to play with. "This will still work with all my slobber on it, right Mom?"

12:00 pm
We are packed and ready to go! On the road. Yay. I meant to head to the commissary today because we def need groceries, but as I am heading out the door realize that it is payday. Um, no thanks. 
An excuse to go to Target instead! Yay! We need a new fitted sheet anyways, plus Starbucks!

12:10 pm
We've turned around because I succeeded in forgetting both a snack and sippy cup for Ev. Good job, Mom. Now we are really on our way.

12:30 pm
We arrive at our second home, I mean, destination. I even have a free Starbucks drink! Score. Evelyn loves watching the baristas do their thing. I like to think it's the noise, but I have a strange suspicion that her addiction to coffee is only a matter of time. If genes have anything to do with it, that is.

1:10 pm
Evelyn let's me know she is clearly done with Target while I am checking out all the new spring gardening stuff.
Alright baby girl, I get the picture.

 She has already eaten a few things while we've been perusing, so we head to check out and I start thinking about lunch for myself. Before we head to the car - another diaper change. (#4 for those counting!)

2:00 pm
I had a great idea for lunch. We head right up the street to my friend Michelle's new Dessert Cafe - Sweet Temptations. I have the Spinach Cheese Quiche for lunch and a Red Velvet Cupcake. Yum. We hang out and chat for a while and I feed Evelyn before heading home. We are well beyond normal afternoon nap time, but she already slept for three hours this morning and is not showing signs of sleepiness.

(P.S. - If you haven't "liked" their Facebook page yet and are local in Hampton Roads - go do it now! You could win free cupcakes for a YEAR.)

3:15 pm
We pull into the driveway, I open the door to reveal...a sleeping baby.

Evelyn Rae is seven months old

...and dealing with this many photos on Blogger is the worst! Afternoon and evening coming up shortly.


  1. Our mornings look really similar! Down to the same diapers and car seat :) I'm amazed that your daughter keeps a blanket on while sleeping though. There is no way my son would...he migrates all over his crib even during naps. Looking forward to the rest of the day!

    1. Hahaha, that is just the beginning stage of the nap - usually when I head in to get her when she wakes up she is at the opposite end of the crib, no socks on and has magically procured something that I was sure wash't in the crib to start with... ;)

  2. My son is 7 months, too! Evelyn is adorable!!!

  3. Ha! Love the dog eating from the high chair! Too funny :)

  4. I love her outfit!!! She is a cutie!
