
Monday, March 26, 2012

It's the little things...

that remind you that you are home from a vacation.

On every vacation, regardless of how much fun I am having, a small part of me yearns to return home. On some vacations, often based on the amount of time "vacationing" with family, that part of me is bigger than others.

Regardless, I always want those things. My things; my bed, my schedule, my life. It's the small sigh of relief as you pull into familiar territory and dream of your idyllic version of home.


But then you actually get home. And it's the small things that remind you what home is really like.

The empty ice container, and no one has bothered to fill the trays (our house was built in 1927...fridges didn't have water lines then.)

The mountain of laundry from a week away.

The empty fridge (except for the expired milk, of course) and inevitable grocery shopping trip.

The random little messes that you forgot you made as you were rushing out the door.

Putting away suitcases.

Realizing what day it actually is, and how many emails one week can bring.

You know, that stuff.


Today is a nice day, sunshiny and breezy, and I was so glad to snuggle with my husband in my very own bed last night.

And today, when I woke up to all of those small things, I decided to enjoy those dumb little things. Because this is in fact my life. And another vacation will come along soon enough.


Evelyn Rae is eight months old

...and I am glad to be back here flexing my typing fingers once more. Photos and updates and recommendations and all sorts of fun to come soon.

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