
Monday, June 11, 2012

Eleven Months

Baby Girl,

I simply cannot believe that you will be one in just one short month. I will save my major reflections for the post that will come at that time, on your very first birthday, but for now I just want to say, I have been so lucky to experience so many of your first moments along the way. All of them, really. And I can't wait to keep hanging out with you and helping you learn new things.

This month you have really started saying "Uh Oh" in an audible and hilarious manner. You have also noticed that you get a LOT of attention from strangers when you are in a shopping cart or stroller and drop something out of the side only to look up with your cute, surprised little face and say, "Uh Oh!"

And, we are in trouble.

Because then people inevitably say it right back to you, echoing your cute little voice, and you first into the cheesiest grin ever.

You have four teeth these days contributing to that grin. Your two bottom center ones and two top ones on either side of where your two center ones will someday (soon) be.

You are eating like a fiend, as always, but are still a skinny little thing. I can't wait to see what your actual measurements are at your one year appointment.

You are interacting more and more with all of your toys, which is really fun, but your most favorite thing in the world - is a book. Any book. (Hence your photo background this month)

You are fascinated by turning pages and pointing at things, and by having Mommy and Daddy read to you. Even when we don't though, you will just sit in your room turning pages yammering away to yourself. Or, simply pulling every book off of your shelves until you find one that suits you.

You may not look like your Momma, but it turns out there is some of me inside there after all.

You are walking behind your walker and cruising around furniture still, as well as walking with your Daddy or I holding your hands, but have yet to venture out on your own. You seem to realize that you are much faster when crawling and we have also recently learned that you can climb stairs! Who knew?

I had never really let you by them before, but in just few seconds one day when your Dad thought I had you and I thought your Dad had an eye on you, you scooted halfway up our flight of stairs. We let you finish, cautiously hovering behind you, both scared out of our minds and strangely proud at the same time.

We are so excited to see what you will do, every day now (it seems) as you are really just running through learning all sorts of things. I just sit back in amazement most nights at how crazy our days seem to have gotten in the last month or so.

We love you so much bugs.


Evelyn Rae is eleven months old

...and these are the books I pick up at least four times a day.

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