
Saturday, June 9, 2012


Well, I am going to go ahead and save this post in drafts, because guess what folks?

I just took two pregnancy tests.

And they were positive.


I am also in shock.

I haven't even told my husband yet, who is outside painting the front porch.

The baby is outside with him in her bouncer...

...Where I placed her as I hurried out the door to my car to drive to the drugstore to buy more pregnancy tests (after I peed on an about-to-expire-one I still had in my bathroom from the last go round) with a shout over my shoulder to husband saying something vague about needing to buy a birthday card for my friend's dinner that night RIGHT NOW and thinking, "Clearly, that test was expired and now I am just freaking out for no reason."...

Clearly, not.

Good Lord.

I don't even know what to think.

Here is what is going through my mind.

1. I had half of a bottle of wine earlier today at a graduation party for Austin's step sister. WINNING.

2. This is why my skin has been breaking out and my boating has not gone away and my boobs have hurt for the last week or so. {Also my period is late. Will the wonders NEVER cease?}

3. This explains why I almost hurled making my kid breakfast a few days ago.

4. SERIOUSLY?! I JUST now fit back into my pre pregnancy jeans without looking a mess when I sit down and got up the courage to wear a bikini the other day.

5. I am in shock.

6. I am also pretty damn thrilled. Could this be for real?!

7. I guess that bottle of Chianti Classico we brought back from Italy that we were planning on drinking on our anniversary will have to wait till next year. Again.

8. Oh my gosh. This is insanity.

No, we were not planning this.
No, we were not trying.
Yes, we were using prevention.
No, I was not expecting the test to say positive when I just peed on a stick (on a WHIM I tell ya) two days after my period was late.
Yes, I was petrified it would say 'Yes' and did not think in a million kajillion years that it would.

I was just looking for an extra dose of confirmation that I could drink skinny margs to my lil heart's content at the birthday celebrations tonight!

...And yet...

My immediate reaction when it did say yes?

A smile.

Evelyn Rae is a few days shy of eleven months old, and I am four weeks along with Baby G v. 2.0 (nickname in the works)

...and...IS THIS REAL LIFE?!

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