
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

9 weeks, First Appointment

Welp, it's officially official!

We are due with Deuxième (still working on a suitable nick name this one is "second" en Francais) February 10, 2013.

I can hardly believe it.


We had our first appointment today, and as part of it, we had our very first ultrasound.

(Along with an amazing amount of blood work, urine samples, Pap smear, cultures, internal exams, blood pressure, weight, and an amazing amount of joking about 'frequent customer' punch cards, etc.)

The ultrasound tech took a gamble and went for the belly ultrasound rather than vaginal - and there it was - there he or she was.

Our little peanut; heart beating, reclining on his or her little yolk sac, just like a pillow.

Holy moly.

Lying there, with my husband holding our firstborn, on her very first birthday, looking at the beating heart of our second child, well. That, friends, is mind boggling stuff.

I will probably start doing some symptom write ups shortly - I think I started at about 10 weeks with Ev. I am interested to see if things will be different this go round.

So far, nausea, sore boobs (p.s. teething baby nursing already on sore pregnancy boobs? WOWZA.), exhaustion, are all there. Check, check, check.

Oh, and I have gained at least five pounds already.
And my belly is firm.
And starting to look pregnant.

Apparently, my body super enjoys being knocked up. Cool.

Evelyn Rae is ONE TODAY, and I am nine weeks preggo with 'Petit' (it means 'little one' in French. I kinda like it.)

...and this whole thing is

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