
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The End of an Era

Late last week came the end of an era.

My sister moved out.

She is headed to a PhD program (smartypants) in Northern Virginia, and we are so freaking excited for her making this move and achieving new dreams. I think many of us grown folks can attest to the fact that it would be difficult to go from a grown up salary paying job and the perks that go along with it ($$) back to the life of a full time student. But, she is doing it! Hooray for her!

Miss Ash has been with us, since, well, we moved into this house. She and I actually lived here together before my loving husband even did. He was on deployment when we closed and Ash moved right in with me. I loved having her here while I was still trying to get things right, needing a second opinion, applying for jobs, and trying not to wallow in my newly-married state of loneliness without my husband. I don't think any of us thought she would live here for almost exactly three years, but we are so glad she did.

"Isn't it hard living with your sister?" people would ask. My honest reply was, "Nope." After living in the same room with the girl for 15 years, living in the same house was a breeze. Granted, there were a few, um, moments throughout the time she was here, but I wouldn't trade it.

She was here for so many moments - moving in, dinner parties, she was the first one we told that Evelyn was on her way, she timed my contractions for me while A was on the ship and I was in labor, she was sitting beside me as I delivered that baby girl into the world, and held her shortly after her arrival. She discovered the pregnancy test wrapper in the bathroom that I had neglected to throw away when I discovered that Baby #2 was on the way.

Luckily, girl is family, so she will never completely leave. We are excited to get used to being a family 'alone' (and to get to use that fourth bedroom), but will miss our 'oldest kid',

Best of luck Smash! We love you.

Evelyn Rae is thirteen months old and I am 15 weeks, 2 days along with Baby Ferris

...and there is going to be a bunch of room swapping and project-ing going on around this place in the next few months!

1 comment:

  1. So I was totally busted being behind on the blog reading when I asked you last week "WHERE'S ASHLEY?!" WHOOPS!

