
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Nine Months

My little man,

Here you are at nine months old. Why does 9 months always seem like such a big deal to me? Is it the clothing size change? (…though you have been in 9 month clothes for a while now…) or is it just because you have been with us for 3/4 of a year? I don't know. But so it seemed with your sister, and so it seems with you.

You have had an event filled and traveling month, my son. We kicked it off with your very first mountains trip. Hooray! Last year you were just a kicking little ball in my belly while we learned that your friend Levi (whose name had yet to be revealed) was going to be a boy! I remember standing there and thinking maybe you would be too, but either way you would be playing together this year. And this year, there you both were, in all your little boy glory.

Being the sweet, but adventurous, boys that you are - we all found some good usage in the playpen that I made your Daddy tote along for the front porch. Your sister even got in on some of the jailing action. While we were there, Momma's suspicions were confirmed and we found out for sure that you are going to be a cousin! Baby Clark will be making their arrival sometime this Spring and I am just so stinking excited for all of you to be friends and cousins. It certainly makes it all the more bittersweet to know that we may not be able to make it on this little trip next year - but I know that someday we will be back. A long weekend with the best of friends and no technology, it really is fantastic.

We also took a trip up to Richmond to hit up the pumpkin patch with your Aunt Haley and Uncle Justin this month. You had fun and did pretty well with all the travel considering your most major milestone this month - all the teething.

Teeth, teeth and more teeth. Ok, well not so many actual teeth, but you are certainly working on them. Drool, drool, drool, for sure. And lots of misery and restless nights and Momma snuggles. You continue to be my snuggliest of babies, continually wanting to be with your Momma.

Which is, you know, fine by me.

Your new-ish interest in books has continued to develop, which I continue to love and adore. You really love all the animal books specifically. This puppy book is certainly a favorite.

And, it, you know, manages to keep you in one place on occasion, so we have it on hand quite readily.

 Your new teeth have not diminished your appetite in the slightest, which continues to amaze and bamboozle me. Considering that your sister is going through a particularly picky phase at the moment, you occasionally eat more than she does in one sitting. She is a peanut and sometimes I fear that you will turn into a veritable tower of a child.

Breastfeeding is still going strong, very strong…through all of your appetite changes. It is most certainly your favorite comfort activity with all this teething business and still your preferred way to nod off. Since it helps you sleep and Momma is oh so tired, we just keep right on with your demands. Someday - please, please - you will learn to sleep without, but for now I love the peaceful moments it brings to both of us.

You had your very first Halloween this month as well, and made an oh so adorable little punkin'. Your sister had an array of costume choices and changes - for a school party and trick or treating and ballet, because, heaven forbid, we reuse the same costume! - but you just worked it out as a little pumpkin for Halloween night. You did great watching all the other kids and riding in the Mazzio's trusty wagon for a bit of the festivities.

We also snapped your requisite "Baby in a Pumpkin" photo, which I am sure will hang somewhere on a wall at some point alongside your sister's.

You are moving and grooving, little man. Still cruising and pushing and pulling and crawling all the live long day. Your sister doesn't know quite what to do with herself now that you can, you know, get to her and her things whenever you want. I have tried to reassure her, but since is only the very beginning of an epic battle to wage over the next well, many years…Er, I mean, the beginning of a beautiful friendship and sibling hood between you two, there's not much I can say except to try to prepare her for the eventual happenings.

She does mostly think it makes for a better playmate though.

And besides all the gray hairs you are currently giving me with your fearlessness, I agree. 

You have stolen our hearts and souls my little blue eyed man.

I love you so.

All my heart,


Evelyn Rae is two, Liam is nine months old

…and what am I supposed to do with this adventurous kid when it gets seriously cold outside? Yikes.

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