
Monday, August 6, 2012

Living it up!

Friends - you may be asking, where the eff has Courtney been over the last few weeks? These blog updates are sporadic and random.

Well, here is your answer, in part.

Husband is on Shore Duty. And not just is he on SD, but the last few weeks have been the epitome of flexibility and random time off.

Just to explain a little further - when someone in the Navy is on "Sea Duty" that is when they are attached to a ship, or a squadron or some other form of thing that goes to sea. Hence the name. When this happens is when those same people go on deployment, have to stand watch, etc. In short - lot's of time away from family.

Shore Duty, on the other hand is when those people are assigned to commands on the shore. Which generally means a much more 9-5 schedule, no standing duty, and lots more time with family. Well, these last few weeks have had LOTS of time for my dear husband to be home, for some unknown reason. All these random occurrences just seemed to collide all together.

So, we have been taking advantage. Today, for example, was the family picnic for the command. Naturally, EVERYONE GOT THE DAY OFF. What?! Craziness, right? But awesome craziness.

We will eventually go back to Sea Duty. And when that day comes, I want to know that we took full advantage of making up for all those missed events by the random days of fun during Shore Duty that we could.

It seems that tomorrow will really kick off things being back to normal and our whirlwind of fun, after vacation no less, will come to an end.

And then I will be back for reals.

Evelyn Rae is almost 13 months old

...and man, does that girl have an opinion about things all of a sudden.

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