
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

From There to Here

I knew I was behind on Bumpdates.

I knew it.

But, I didn't realize I hadn't updated since OCTOBER.

We went from there to here.

25 weeks to 35 weeks

Yes, technically I realize that this isn't "here" as I am now 36 weeks (WHAT?!) BUT, we haven't taken those photos yet. Maybe today.

Don't I look adorbs in this tres chic ensemble? 
I call it "SAHM takes her 18 month old baby to the park on an unseasonably warm day in January" 

Cue side eye.

Please also feel free to note the pine needles and glitter all over the floor from shoving the Christmas tree aside mere moments before this photo, toys that were under said tree and haven't found a home yet present in this photo, and the empty apothecary jar as I have yet to pull out my "Spring" filler.

Dear Baby #2 - your Mommy loves you so much. I promise. I have just been busy preparing for your arrival...and chasing after your sister and trying to teach her to be gentle so that she does not spend the first year of your life finding joy in terrorizing you.

I have been blogging my weekly updates in draft form, and have been taking the maybe that's why it was so shocking for me to realize just how long it had been since the updates made it to print. I am super tempted to just upload all the photos to Facebook and call it a day, but I WON'T. This baby gets his or her journal too, and then I will upload them all tonight.

In any case, today is set aside for baking cookies and updating my bump dates. In case you care about all the lovely symptoms I have been experiencing.

As always, they will be linked over to the right in case you don't have Google Reader, since I will be back dating all of the updates to publish where they "should" fall in the actual timeline of life.

Here we go!

Evelyn Rae is 18 months old, I am 26 weeks along with Baby Bump

...and check that popped out belly button. Way different than last pregnancy.

1 comment:

  1. your hair is AMAZING! i love reading your blog and your baby #1 is adorable :) kudos to you and the mister, and many happy wishes for the future :)
