
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

{Accelerated Nursery} A few changes...

Way back when, I posted my thoughts for our nursery. such happy little thoughts were they. 

But since then, a few things have changed. 

Exhibit A - The Glider Situation

Originally I wanted this glider.

From PB, of course.

BUT, turns out that the chair itself is $650 and the slipcover is $229 on top of that. That is $879, not including tax or shipping. On a chair.

Screech. Those are my dreams coming to a head on collision with reality. What the heck was I thinking? Well, I will tell you. I was thinking all these gossamer hazy dreams about nursing my baby in a chair that I loved, and was quite frankly thinking of a different price since the darn thing was on sale when I originally registered for it. Not anymore!

After scouring the interwebs for a suitable alternative I have found that...
  1. Gliders are expensive, especially upholstered ones, because they are labeled a "baby" item and therefore crazy mommas will spend tons of money for no darn good reason on these things.
  2. It is apparently completely unrealistic to think you can get a plain cotton twill covered glider for anything less than mucho dinero. 
  3. I don't want a microfiber chair. Don't ask me why, I just don't. 
So, we have settled on this little baby instead. 

Thank you Target
Always coming through in the clutch.

At $400 (on sale this weekend) and with plenty of positive reviews, we decided to pull the trigger on this chair. That's less than half of the price of the PB chair, and made by the same company that makes gliders for a.lot.more money.

No, it isn't plain cotton twill, it is cotton gingham, but I think it will work out nicely for us. And, the shape isn't outrageous so I am pretty sure if a slipcover were necessary down the road we could rock one out for a more shabby chic look. It is also a wee bit smaller than the PB which is perfect, as it could now go in one of TWO locations in the nursery should I go crazy and need to rearrange.

It should arrive at its happy new home next week.

Exhibit B

This actually isn't a change, i just wanted to show you all. The rug we found at IKEA way back when for the nursery is now on the website! Yay! Now I get to show a picture!

Don't you just LOVE IKEA names?

The checks on the actual rug are much bigger than they appear here, as the rug is 6'7" x 6'7"...which makes me not concerned about the checks here and the gingham print on our new chair. It is also a little greener than this photo IRL.

Well, a little bit concerned, but nonetheless hopeful that it won't be a problem. Since I love them both. 

Can't we all just get along?

In any case, for $79 it was a steal, and the color is a nice pop in the room. 

So, there they are, a few updates without actually showing you anything, muahhaha. But, the nursery is coming along swimmingly, I must say, and I think I will have final reveal photos available in like the next two weeks! Ack! So exciting.

35 weeks, 5 days along

...and I guess I had best have that final reveal photo ready, because I just looked at the countdown and that thing says 30 days till baby! Way to procrastinate Momma Courtney.

1 comment:

  1. I love the second chair every bit as much as the first (more expensive) one! Every mom that shares pictures and nursery decorating ideas on my website lately has been "up-cycling", re-purposing furniture and just basically cutting corners and some of the stuff they do is spectacular! Check out our nursery picture gallery under the "contest" tab on the navbar to see some of the things they've done!
