
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

The decorations are out, the school buses have just finished dropping off children in our neighborhood and they have all raced home in their cute costumes. There is a sense of anticipation that is almost tangible hanging in the air.

It's almost time to trick or treat!!

I will be posting some super delicious photos of Evelyn as a Ladybug (how fitting, it's her nckname from me, ack the cuteness) tomorrow, since she is not in her costume yet (avoiding spit up, etc. until last possible moment.)

We are heading out to walk around with some friends, while their kiddos trick or treat this evening, but will not be participating in the swindling folks out of candy portion of the festivities. Last year I was so appalled at the grown-ups trick or treating for babies that came to our front porch I could barely stand it (pregnancy hormones may have been in effect. maybe.)

I mean, clearly that little baby asleep in the stroller is NOT OLD ENOUGH TO EAT CANDY. Gah. You are a grown up! If you have the cash flow to put your baby who has no idea what is going on in a costume, then just buy yourself some candy! The candy in the buckets is for the CHILDREN! End.rant.

In other news, I have been pleasantly surprised by how Halloween has changed on my Facebook news feed. It used to be filled with cringe-worthy (though perfect for judging) photos of "sexy" this or "sexy" that costumes. I'm not gonna lie, I participated in that shizz too. And now, my news feed is filled with clever costumes for adults and adorable ones for bambinos.

If this is what growing up is like, I'll take it.

Evelyn Rae is 16 weeks old

...and I won't lie, if I could still rock some of those costumes from the college days, I might be tempted into slipping them on. You know, and staying in my house. And not showing anyone.

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