
Sunday, August 12, 2012

14 weeks

a little better this week. Shh! Don't jinx it for me.

Also on the upswing? Please?

I think I have officially popped. Like, today. Like as in, I all of a sudden looked super pregnant - TODAY. Belly band, both my husband and sister saying, "Wow. You look pregnant. Today." and they see me every day. So, yeah. See photo evidence. Holy crap. BABY IN THERE. You know, the size of a peach and all.

Also - I found a prenatal yoga class to fit our schedule. SO EXCITED.

Also - now that the news is out - yay for tight t-shirts and such again! woo!

All over the place depending on if I am nauseous or ravenous. I would really, really like a glass of wine (or 12) though. Sad faces. Sitting on the porch drinking a chilled white wine is one of my favorite things to do in the summer.  Sigh.

Weird pullings and feelings that if I didn't know better I might think were baby movements. But with that dang placenta in the way, I know they aren't. So, just weird stuff.

Dreaming and stuff. But, in a rare gift, my darling daughter has started sleeping a bi later in the morning. THANK YOU EVELYN RAE. Your mommy loves you. So, so much.

None this week. 

The Girls
A little sore for the first time really, but still the same far as I can tell.

New this time around
Thinking about my baby girl being a big sister. I just still can't believe it. Though, she picked out a baby doll at the store a few weeks back and she is freaking adorable with it. She holds it to her chest and rocks it back and forth. So.cute.

Oh yeah, this again.
The stage where people don't know if you are fat or pregnant - people being strangers that is, since we made the big reveal on Facebook and this here blog this last week.

Mental State
So, so blessed and overwhelmed. I don't know why I was nervous to reveal to the whole world, you know nothing is official till its on Facebook, right? Everyone was seriously so amazing. The phone calls, text messages, blog comments and Facebook comments...I was so overwhelmed. I have been veering between excitement and anxiousness about two kiddos under two, but this week was definitely closer on the excitement side of the track over the last week. So thankful for happy friends and family.

I call this one, "Pregnancy with a one year old." Please note the crazy faces, the shirt tagging and imagine the adorable high pitched giggling.

Evelyn Rae is one year old, and I am 14 weeks along with Ferris 

... and let's all cross our fingers and hope that I am on an upswing for the energy and fun parts of pregnancy! 

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