
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Let it be Resolved

I don't usually do resolutions. But, husband and I have been talking about new goals a lot lately, you know with another little life coming to us that we have to be responsible for and stuff (ACK!), so - this year I have some.

  1. Survive and Thrive - Do not be scared of having two children. Remember even in this year that everyone has told you will be so hard that your children are an immense blessing and that someday (apparently) you will miss these very moments. And, as always, remember that Babies Don't Keep.
  2. Invest Time in Relationships - Admittedly one of my biggest faults has always been keeping in touch with my friends. And it is not that I don't want to or mean to, for some reason the whole calling and talking to folks just always gets moved to the back burner for me. My friends need to know what they mean to me, and deserve to have that time. So does my husband. So, this year, I am going to make it a priority, even with all the craziness of two babies under two, to keep in touch with my friends and to prioritize alone time with my husband. Hello, Date Nights.
  3. Simplify - Husband and I are seriously considering pulling the plug on cable (satellite, in our case). Along with that, I am hoping to be able to create a better balance between all technology and other uses of free time. Additionally, we are purging the hell out of STUFF in our house. More on that soon.
  4. Blog Better - Not only do I want to blog more often and regularly, and CATCH UP on all the things I have fallen behind on, but I want to return to the authenticity that I feel my blog had way back when I started this crazy thing. I would also like to not feel guilty when I am not able to blog, fitting in nicely with goal #3.
  5. Fiscal Responsibility - Now that we have an actual written budget and things, we are motivated to actually put all the financial ideas we have had rolling around in our heads and have been talking about for so long into actual practice. Stick to it. Be accountable. And responsible. And you know, a grown up.
So there it is, this is what I am hoping for in 2013, wrapped in a whole lot of love and fun.

Here we go!

Evelyn Rae is almost 18 months old (WHAT THE HECK), I am 34 weeks along with Baby Bump (again, WHAT THE HECK)

...and 2013 is going to be a big year. One way or another.

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