Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!
We hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and is blessed to be spending time with family - whether they are the one chosen for you, but you love anyway, or the people you have chosen to
We are lucky enough to be spending time with both in the coming days.
Evelyn Rae is five months old
...and as I mentioned in my very bad day post a few weeks ago, this photo only took a million takes to get. Approximately.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Five Months
Here we are - five months into this crazy roller coaster of your life. I love you so much little bug that every time that I sit down to write these letters to you, I get so overwhelmed that I stump myself as to how to put those feelings into words. Someday, you will experience love that is so big it feels like your heart might burst from the size of it. That, my dear is how I feel about you every day. Especially when you greet me in the morning with your big gummy smiles.
Speaking of gums, I am pretty sure you are legit teething now. You have been a little fussier as of late than your normal happy self, and drooling like nobody's business. Sometimes you have little wails and moans of pain, and it But, we are going to get through this together.
You have been such a big girl this month. You rolled over! 3 whole times. That may have been a bit sarcastic. You have been rolling up on your side almost since you were a newborn, so I thought you were going to roll over well in advance of what the "experts said". Buuut, you are also a chill baby. You like kicking your legs around, but are pretty content just chewing on Sophie or any other of your fave toys that happen to be around (those dang teeth).
So, you just hang out on your side most times, and don't actually throw that leg over to get all the way around. You did this month though, and looked at me like, "So? I could have done it this whole time, but I like my side, mk?" Truth be told, I missed your first one, because I left you on your tummy on the floor and ran to grab my camera...and when I came back, there you were looking up at me. No big deal. Alrighty then, check that box, moving on.
Also this month you went to your first Norfolk Grand Illumination parade! We went with your best friends Caroline and Charlotte Mazzio, who love to help with you and call you "Baby Evie". We rode the Tide down to downtown Norfolk, and you slept the whole time. You loved all the lights of the parade, and did so well. We also went to Christmastown with Nana, Haley and Justin. Again, you did so well and looked so cute in your little red coat and hat.
This month was your first Thanksgiving and you had a great time. You did your first art project (hand turkeys) that I think we will make a tradition so you can see how you grow! I certainly am a proud mama with my very first art project hanging on the fridge.
You have definitely evolved into the flirtiest of babies as well. You have always smiled at people when we are out and about, but now you smile and coo, and duck your head and act all coy. You keep chattering more and more, and everyone comments on how talkative you are. Ha. I can't imagine where *that* came from.
Bingley and you are becoming better friends this month, which I think will continue when he can lick you and get some actual food off of you in the future. Speaking of which, we will be starting you on solids next month. You are definitely interested in the food that your dad and I eat, and even more so interested in my straw tumbler. You try to grab it out of my hand and put the straw in your mouth at any given opportunity. Since I am anticipating you eating us out of house and home, I have already begun stockpiling some homemade baby food...though we are considering something called Baby Led Weaning too, so we shall see how it all goes down. You can bet there will be photos.
You are growing and getting so big and curious. I sometimes cannot believe that I grew you from a tiny little dot inside of my body and now here you are - a thriving baby and soon a child. I can't wait to keep watching you grow, bugaboo.
All my love,
...and I am really trying to call her Evelyn more now, for fear she will think her name is "Bug".
...and since I couldn't decide between photos this month - you get a lot. Plus two GIFs. (If they may have to click them...) Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Loving this.
Saw this on a car next to me at Target today.
Ev is five months old
...and we are out finishing Christmas shopping. Back with a real post tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
For the past few weeks I have been roaming the world looking and feeling like a zombie. (I do not say this lightly as I hate, hate, hate zombies. My husband meanwhile can spend an hour describing his zombie apocalypse escape plan to you - but I digress.)
What's the deal? My once great sleeper baby, who began sleeping through the night at 7 to 8 weeks decided that sleeping for long periods of time was no longer something she was interested in...unless she was continually attached to my boob, snuggled up in my bed.
(And I gave in and let her, I will admit - cosleeping, oh the horror! Listen, I was just happy to have some sleep, yo. Read the info on how to do it safely, all the other cultures who do it and then go without sleep for a while before you judging. kthanks.)
Also, though she never really loved a pacifier, she would take one for a while there. Now she refuses. Nothing but the real Mama will do. She will still take a bottle of pumped milk, but only because she gets actual food from it...
Gah. I blame teething.
All the symptoms are there, the chewing and chomping and drooling and fuzziness for no reason - but those damn teeth will not show themselves. So we have been living in baby mood swing central, where my perfectly happy smiley baby will all of a sudden start fussing and then yowling in pain...and nothing else is wrong. It's those damn teeth I tell ya.
Naps have become a thing of the past and she still hasn't settled into any sort of a schedule during the day, but I am hoping that is coming. Her type A mom yearns for some sort of loose pattern...even a loose one.
Oh, she will sleep...for twenty minutes here and there, sometimes even a full hour. Typically though, she falls asleep while nursing and then wakes up within moments of unlatching.
During the midst of all of this - it hit me like a Mack truck one day. I was ready for her to be in her own room. I don't know what flipped the switch but there it was, the line that I had been talking about for a while, and toying with...suddenly I was ready.
Originally, we were going to wait to try this until we were on vacation next week. At my parents house she will be sleeping in a crib anyway, so it seemed like a natural transition point. And a time where A would not have work in the morning and could help. But, Sunday night she was fussing and nursing and fussing and nursing and I finally said to myself - something Right now.
So, I did it. I put her in her crib. The first night was much more anxious for me than Evelyn or my husband (who was happily snoring away while I took to Facebook on my phone for reassurance from friends and obsessively watched her in the video monitor...creeper).
She did OK that first night. Woke up about every three hours or so to nurse and look around at her surroundings. She kept looking at me as if to say, "Why are we in here? This is our play spot, but...ok."
Whenever she stirred, I would wait to see if when was going to settle herself back to sleep and then head in to comfort and nurse. We did okay. No, I did not let her cry it out just yet. I am a wuss or whatever. And I told myself I wouldn't worry about real sleep training until six months. So, no guilt yet. Though my husband is a merciless beast who has been suggesting CIO since she was like 2 months old. Read a book husband! Grr.
But last night, well friends, as I write this to you it is 10:30 and my baby is still asleep. She slept for six straight hours last night, after a few asleep and waking up hours...woke up to nurse at 7 am this morning. I thought she was up for the day, but she fell back to sleep and has continued chugging right along. So I got a few more hours too.
Ah, sleeping in. I feel like a human being again and am so freaking refreshed. I know that last night could have been a fluke, so I am not coordinating the celebratory parade just yet, but I am hoping for the best.
Now if those damn teeth would just show up so that I can have my all-the-time happy baby back, my holidays would be complete.
Evelyn is five months old
...and all I want for Christmas is her two front teeth.
...and my new MacBook Pro that is currently bought and under my tree that my husband will not let me open until Christmas. For reals. He is *that* guy.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
And believe you me, we are making up for lost time.
It took a while, but now I have these *adorable* little wispy baby hairs all long my forehead that for the life of me I cannot figure out how to make look not too ridiculous. Gah. Just in time for holiday photos and guests...
I think I am shedding more than the dog. Kid you not.
Oh, the problems I have.
Evelyn Rae is in her last few days of her fourth month
...and she loves to stroke my hair while nursing...but now some of my hair is coming out when she pulls, we've had to curb it a bit. Her first solid does *not* need to be human hair. Gross.
Puppy Love
or this...
My girl hated tummy time. Hated it. We couldn't really figure it out, because from birth on she had great head control and neck strength - the pediatrician always commented on how strong she was...she just refused to exhibit it while on her stomach. She would just lay there, head on the ground, crying. Occasionally she would push up to look to see if we were still there listening, and then put her head back down and keep right on blubbering. Stubborn.
But, then one day, we realized that all our girl was missing to make tummy time enjoyable was...her puppy!
Evelyn l-o-v-e-s Mr. Bingley. As long as she can see him while on her tummy, she is a happy baby.
Problem is, her love is not returned.
It's not that Bings is mean to Ev, or that he gets grumpy around her...he just prefers to pretend that she doesn't exist. Occasionally he comes over to lick her if she is on the floor, and will pay her the same amount of attention as any other non-food new object in the house. Like a book I may bring home, or a new pair of shoes.
I think when she starts eating real foods he will become her biggest fan, but until then...
She will just keep having her first experience of unrequited love.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Have you ever had one of those days, where nothing huge happens to ruin your day, but there are tons of tiny little things that add up into a ho hum kind of a feeling? Sort of like a windshield with all those little spider cracks, everything threatening to fall apart if just one more thing happens?
One of those days where you wake up thinking that all you want to do is take a nice picture of your family for a Christmas card, and then you get up and take a shower because it's Saturday morning and your husband is home and you finally get your one shower more than two seconds because someone else is watching the baby but then your husband doesn't think about it and does laundry while you are in the shower and you end up with hot and cold shower lottery and you can't really be mad because the man is doing laundry! and then you get out to get ready and the baby is losing it and the dog is into things he shouldn't be and then you can't figure out your fancy camera because you were an English major, not a photography one, and who has time to read a manual when the baby needs to be fed some more and then you finally get the whole family ready and the light is almost gone and you have to force everyone through it anyways and try to keep your husband and baby and puppy all happy and excited and then you finally get a somewhat acceptable photo and breathe a sigh of relief because of course that coupon is going to expire tonight for that site, so you have to do this right now, and then think wow, things are looking up because your husband is going to take you out for Mexican for dinner and then things are really looking up because you head out to do a little shopping, and hey you are wearing your size 6 pre-pregnancy jeans and that is awesome, but then it gets all blah again, because a customer service lady who has just by handing you the coupon you didn't get mailed even though you signed up for the mailings like twelve times looks at you holding your baby and then looks pointedly at your midsection and asks, "and when is this one due?"
Yeah, me neither.
Evelyn Rae is four months old
...and according to my husband that lady looked like a toad anyways. Harrumph. Happy Monday!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Mini me
My daughter literally just grabbed my tumbler (of water) out of my hands and stuck her mouth on the straw.
(She also protested and cried when I took it away, so that she didn't stab it down her throat.)
What the heck? Sometimes babies surprise you.
Happy Friday everyone!
Evelyn Rae is 4 months old
...and we are *finally* decorating our tree this weekend!
...also I don't know why this photo is publishing sideways. Whomps.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The word of the day is...
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Life is like 'Elf'
Evelyn has decided that she loooooves her mama's voice. That's right, my singing voice. Bless her baby heart.
If she is in a mood, she instantly calms down if I sing to her, in the car, at home, wherever. This has led to many moments of me singing "Bicycle Built for Two" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". Or, any other nursery rhyme that pops into my head.
What's even better is that we live so close to where A and I went to college, so I get to drive down the same streets that I used to be on in my cute little car, with club music blaring out the windows, feelin' hot. But now, I drive my SUV with a crying baby in the back singing "The Wheels on the Bus" at the top of my lungs.
My how things have changed.
More and more nursery rhymes are coming back to me, but every now and then I just sing whatever I am saying or thinking in moments of desperation to hear that baby giggle. It always reminded me of something, but I just could not place it.
And the other day, it occurred to me. I feel just like...just like...just like Buddy the Elf.
(If you are at work and would like to continue to be taken seriously by your coworkers, please do not click on that link...until later.)
Evelyn Rae is 4 months old
...and smiling's my favorite.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
A Thanksgiving Project
First we headed over to Nana's house (my MIL) for a little art project, which you may have already seen over on the Thanksgiving Day post and dinner. Anywho, this idea of starting a tradition of Turkey hand prints every year occurred to me at like 2am on Thanksgiving morning (of course).
It's not like no one has ever done it before, but for some reason these totally normal kid things have all just slipped my mind, you know in all these years that I have not been a kid myself. And then I remember and go, "Oh! We should totally do that! Good thing I remembered like .5 seconds before this holiday/milestone/special event was over!" The husband loves running out at the last minute to grab whatever thing is necessary to achieve the vision that I
Since we are always running late now (I blame it on the whole "we have a baby" thing, but let's be honest, we were late before) and we were on target to arrive just in the nick of time for the Packer's game kick off (husband's team). I knew he wouldn't take too kindly to the idea that we just "swing by" the Walmart that happens to be on the way to his mom's house to pick up some art supplies.
It was a holiday, so I backed off, and tried the, "Hey babe, I know the game is about to start and I have this super cute idea for a little project, so why don't we get to your mom's house and you can watch the game and then I will run out for just a sec...?"
Worked like a charm, and he even said, "Sure and I will keep Evelyn with me so you don't have to be in crazy Walmart the day before Thanksgiving, did I mention you are psychotic by the way, with a baby in tow?"
Visions of baby free errand running and a secret drive by to the Starbucks conveniently situated nearby danced though my head..."Are you sure babe? I mean I could take her with me..."
"No problem, she loves watching football with her Daddy."
Long story short, that's how I ended up at Walmart (which was surprisingly calm) the day before Thanksgiving with just a wallet, cell phone and keys and found myself reflecting on how my whole errand took me 2 minutes. Listen, I love my baby girl, and love having her out with me, but errands alone? I hardly even remembered what it was like! I haven't had anyone not stop me to chat or mention some comment about kids since I was visibly pregnant. Let alone once you have a super cute baby with you...
I grabbed what I needed, even had time to debate the choice of "Umber" vs. "Bark" or "Chocolate" brown, got a Pepperment Mocha Frappuccino (Yup, a frap - it has been surprisingly warm here) and headed back to Nana's. Total errand time? 20 minutes. And that was with a little semi-guilty aimless wandering around Wally World.
When halftime came, we started the project.
First, we stripped down this little lady...
Then we spread out the supplies and got crackin. Thanks to some Mommy determination (aka gritting my teeth and saying "This is going to work, no matter what!" - I had a vision, remember?) We got the project done, though we did every color individually. It's weird that you can't reason with a 4 month old on why it is important to keep her hand open so as not to mix the colors, amirite?
And now, I have my first kiddo art project hanging on my fridge!
Evelyn Rae is 4 and a half months old
...and I cropped my husband's Christmas list out of that last photo of the fridge. True story.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Fun with Breastfeeding
Mainly because, as I sat down to type this morning, my precious baby girl treated me (and the laptop) with her favorite new trick. During nursing sessions for the past few weeks, she has started pulling off the boob, right after let down *of course* and looking up at me and smiling the biggest gummy smile...creating a messy and damp world for all of us to live in.
This has been happening so often now, that I have started to be impressed with the distance I can achieve, if you get my drift. It's just so darn cute, I can't stand it. I think she can tell that I don't mean business at all when I try to scold her (laughingly) for it, because she just smiles right back up at me again, and even has the nerve to giggle at me. I think I need to work on my mom tone.
Eating just makes her happy, I guess.
Just like her momma.
Evelyn is 4.5 months old
...and the laptop survived its breast milk attack this morning, don't worry.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
This year we are thankful for so many things in our household, but we are mostly thankful for our precious little turkey.
I hope that everyone was able to spend this day with loved ones, and if not that you were at least able to nab some good food!
Evelyn Rae is 4.5 months old
...and I ate *just* enough today!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Up and Down
Here's how my day went on Tuesday...
Up: My CFO (read: husband) authorized the purchase of some new cloth diapers, yay! Loaded the baby in the car and got on the road before 11am. Yay!
Down: Upon arrival at Diaper Junction, I parked, turned off the engine and grabbed the diaper bag. Upon my approach to pull my sleeping baby out of her car seat, I had a vision.
A vision of my wallet still sitting on the dining room table. At home.
Up: Well, at least I didn't wake the baby up yet! and hey! There is a drive through Starbucks on the way home! I can totally grab a drink and make the best of this.
Down: JK. Still no wallet.
Up: Wait a sec! I have the Starbucks App on my phone! I can pay for a drink Technology rocks.
Down: By the time I got back to Diaper Junction, it was after noon. So much for our "early" start.
Up: New cloth diapers! Wee! In fun and exciting colors.
Down: We still have 8 million gajillion errands to run.
Up: The baby now loves being in the Moby Wrap facing out, so errands should be fun! We head to PetSmart and everyone is cooing and waving at the baby who is flirting right back.
Down: Thanks to the pre-errand breastfeeding session in the car, we have a spit up explosion all over the floor in the store. Clean up, aisle 10!
Up: Target is next on the list! Always a positive...
Down: I don't like any of the shower curtains, which is the whole reason I came here. Lame. Now I am stuck deliberating and baby is getting tired and fussy.
Up: I almost have the baby drifting off to sleep. Lately she is fussing right before passing out, so by the tone of the tiny little cry, I know we are allllmooooossssst there.
Down: But then an old lady comes toward us. and starts being all judgy. "I think that baby is hungry."
"Well, she's actually just about to drift off to sleep, so..."
"Oh, look, she is saying 'Mommy you have had me out ALL DAY, and we need to go home so I can sleep and rest.' Poor little thing. "
I mean. Really?
Like I said, not bad, but not good either. Bah.
Evelyn Rae is four months old
...and it's exciting days like this that I know you love reading about.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Heat Wave
My girl and I are out of the house today, loving the last nice day for a while.
Be back soon.
Evelyn Rae is 4 months old
...and I had a really hard time figuring out which of her Summer outfits she should wear today...since it is probably the last time she will ever wear them. ::chokebacksob::
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Just because...
Here are some more photos I took of my Ladybug.
First, I thought to just grab a few photos downstairs. Look, a cute kid! Done and done...
...but then, then we went upstairs to get the baby some clean diapers. And she was in such a good mood...that I figured I would grab a few (hundred...not really) more photos.
I give you, the many faces of a Ladybug.
Monday, November 14, 2011
I need...
That lady up there (look! Up there ^) is still preggo, yo. Though I am not. I am having the hardest time figuring out what to make the header now.
I just thought you all should know.
Did any of you even notice that woman was still knocked up, though I am not?I feel like maybe I should have just kept my big mouth shut, and no one would have noticed.
Evelyn Rae is 18 weeks old
...and I may be playing with the header for a while. But not today - it is 75* outside!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Four Months
Evelyn Rae,
You are four months old today! It is an especially exciting day because your Daddy is here to celebrate it with us. It is getting harder and harder to get a photo of you because you are moving and shaking like you wouldn't believe. You will be all chill and I think, this is it! A great time for a photo! and then all of a sudden you are off, waving your arms and legs and rolling up on your sides and grabbing for anything in reach to play with and stick in your mouth.
It is the most fun thing to watch you become, well, yourself. Your little (and big) expressions have your dad and I rolling in laughter sometimes - even when they aren't such happy expressions. The unhappy ones are almost funnier than the happy ones.
You are chattering up a storm, and we have full nonsense conversations these days. You chatter at strangers in stores, and then flash them your big gummy smile and they all just melt. As does your mom. Your new tricks include blowing raspberries with the best of them and this new cute thing you are doing where you suck your lips almost all the way into your mouth and raise your eyebrows at us.
Since your last monthly letter you experienced your first Halloween and your Baptism. We had so much fun with friends and family at both events, and you did so well. I am constantly amazed and thankful for your overall happy personality. We love taking you with us everywhere we go, as having you around and close to us rings us so much indescribable joy. I am just so happy being your mommy.
We have been transitioning you to all of your 6 month clothes, because you have such a loooong little body. It's already hard for me to say goodbye to all my favorite outfits that you have been wearing almost since you were born. But, alas, you grow and we pack the old clothes away.
You are definitely getting even droolier these days, and are putting anything you can reach into your mouth to chew and nosh on. You have learned how to grab my hand, and direct one of my fingers right into your mouth so you can mash away at it with your little gums.
Your grabbing and awareness is so amazing to me. Sometimes I forget to check the books and the emails and the lists (mommies have many, many places to look to see their baby's milestones and things) to see what you "should be" doing, but then, when I remember, I am always amazed to see that you are doing everything you should be. You are learning and growing and it is just so cool to witness.
I would be remiss to not note that this day is special because Daddy is home with us, but the reason he gets to be home is because it is Veteran's Day. You will learn more about this as you get a little bit older, but this holiday basically boils down to thanking our military for their service.
You come from a long line of military folks, all of whom felt a desire to serve and to give of themselves. Your dad, both your grandpas, all sorts of great grandpas, and on and on down the line. There are many ways to serve, and your dad and I cannot wait to begin teaching you about the value of service as you get a bit older.
I love you so much my little Ladybug. Now you and your parents are off to have some fun on this pretty day.
All my love,
Evelyn Rae is four months old
...and her Daddy picked out this outfit. He calls it her "Minnie Mouse" outfit. Why? I have no idea.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Why is it that it seems the only time I can catch up with world goings on is when my precious daughter is asleep?
Trying to remain connected to world current events (so that I don't end up as a SAHM who can only converse in childhood milestones and accomplishments...PS my girl is blowing raspberries all over the place and being ridiculously cute) inevitably happens late at night, when my husband and baby and dog have all drifted off to sleep, and the glow of my smartphone charging next to the bed beckons to me.
There is something about the quiet that comes over the house when everyone else is slumbering away. Something that reverberates to my very core, and says, "It's OK to completely immerse yourself in something now. Everyone is asleep and well. You can hear them all breathing...and a phone only makes a little bit of light. Certainly not enough to disturb anyone. Go ahead, read that article longer than two paragraphs all in one sitting. You deserve it."
I am not going to bed at a reasonable hour, and it's all my smartphone's fault. It's nothing but an enabler these days.
Tonight, I choose sleep over being well informed.
Unless something interesting happens.
Evelyn is 17 weeks old
...and I am my own worst enemy in the quest for sleep. Especially since I am publishing this at 1 in the morning.
On my phone.
I meant *tomorrow* I would choose sleep.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Baby it's cold outside
Well, did this week get away from anyone else?
Nope? Just me?
I don't know what it is about cold weather, but the thermostat has dropped and all I want to do is snuggle up with my baby and stick around the house reading a book whenever she nods off.
So, that's what we have been up to. I promise to get my act in gear next week. You know, after I take advantage of this weekend to just chill out.
Evelyn Rae is almost 4 months old
...and why is it that I am addicted to books in a series? It tales way longer to read a whole series than just one book.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween, a Photo Essay
But first, in order for the Halloween photos to make sense I must take you back to last week when we bought pumpkins...because you wouldn't have understood *where* those carved pumpkins came from without us showing you that we collected them - right? Right. Moving on. PHOTOS!
Daddy picked out the largest pumpkins possible, so he carried them to the car and we took them home to carve.
The "G" pumpkin was so big in fact...
That Evelyn fit IN it!
I couldn't resist.
We went out with some two year old owls, that were just as cute as could be.
The two year olds did great, so did Evelyn, though she passed out after a few blocks...
Happy Halloween!
Evelyn Rae is almost four months old
...and I am wearing pre-pregnancy jeans today. Just thought you should know.