- First post EVAH: Here We Go
- The one where I totally thought I wasn't pregnant (SPOILER: I was): Round 2
- The one where I found out: A Different Answer
- The one where I told the hubs: In the Loop
- The one where I got worried: A Spot
- The one where my nausea began for reals: This Morning
- The ones from our first appointment: Appointment, Photo
- The one where we don't find out.
- The one where the husband pouts: When Grown Men Pout
- The one where I get a: Superpower
- The one with the 12 week photo op: 12 Weeks
- The one with the Christmas card: Merry Christmas!
- The one where I fail: Well, this sucks.
- The one where some lady yells at me: Broken babies
- The ones with the maternity photos: One, Two
- The one with the guest post: Pregnancy FAQs
- The one about natural childbirth
- The one on our anniversary.
- The one where I'm due.
- The one with the nursery.
- The one where she arrives.
Or, if you want the full tour, the archives are available right over there -->